Wednesday, August 22, 2012

On Perspective...

I read a number of other blogs online, some of which deal with overcoming depression, finding balance in life, becoming more self aware, etc. One of my favorites,, just turned two. Since my debacle/ordeal started, I've been something of a lurker, but for whatever reason, I decided to comment on her blog and "came out" as being an anxiety-ridden, depressed, underemployed person and she very kindly responded. Another of her readers also responded to me and pointed out that my passage from suicidal to realizing things will eventually be OK "happened relatively quickly" (six months) and honestly, I feel a little taken aback. Today (the 22nd) marks exactly six months since I was fired. I'm nowhere near "recovered" professionally. I'm working part-time at a new job at an hourly wage less than half of what I was making and with no benefits. I'm not making any progress toward finishing the last three classes of my degree and I haven't even worked on my resume or decided what my next career should be. My goal setting and expectations for myself are very very low, and by that I mean, my to-do list has things like, "Get out of bed." "Open the curtains in the bedroom." "Take a shower." "Get dressed in something other than yoga pants and a t-shirt." It's all a matter of perspective, I guess. I am still alive. I've made it through the really dark chapter where my anger and sadness about the whole situation made me want to withdraw and just end my suffering, permanently. In these six months, I've learned a lot about myself, about my incredible husband, friends, and family - even my pets. I've learned a lot about survival and recovery, what it means to be loved, happy, and appreciated. That perspective didn't come easy, but day by day I'm making it. I'm getting stronger, further from the trauma, better at recognizing and dealing with my body's warnings and red flags. It's not where I'd imagined I'd be, but I'm grateful to still be on the path, making the journey, and having some progress to look back on.


  1. Hiya, thanks for mentioning my blog here. We are proud of how far you have come. The journey ahead might still be dark and cumbersome as we chatted about on my blog but it can be done. I try not to put a time frame on my recovery. In the beginning I did and it made me more pressured and I felt like I wasn't trying my best to recover. But in fact I was, just that I was pushing myself to get better before my body and mind were ready to. I haven't worked for 2.5 years now. I was scared before, but I know I need this time to rebuild my core, my strength, my confidence and simply, my body and mind, so that whatever I do in the future, I will be ready for it. Take care now :)
    Noch Noch

  2. Hi Noch Noch,
    *blushing* I feel a little star struck by your visit! :-) Thanks so much for your wise words. Recovery from the 1-2 punch that is anxiety/depression and adjusting to major life changes takes time. It cannot, nor should it be rushed... at least this is what I keep trying to tell myself. Gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other, one day at a time.

    Thank YOU for the visit and have a lovely day!
